
Unit Handbook for the Seventh District American Legion Auxiliary

Seventh District American Legion Auxiliary Newsletter

Please contact Pam Gades, Public Relations Chairman, to receive the newsletter via email.  The newsletter is published five times/year:  Oct/Nov, December, February, March/April, and May/June.

2024-25 President Sandy Wersal

2023-24 President Hope Wilson

2022-23 President Wanda Seidler

2021-22 President Susie Learing/Wanda Seidler

2020-21 President Lorraine Wigen/Susie Learing

2019-20 President Lorraine Wigen

2018-19  President Pam Gades

2017-18  President Karla Minnick

Seventh District Unit Facebook Pages  (If you do not see your Unit's site listed here, please send the information to Pam Gades, Public Relations Chairman).

American Legion Auxiliary 7th District YouTube Channel

Podcast episodes that help you learn about the various programs of the American Legion Auxiliary.  You will also find tutorial videos here.

What You Need To Know (WYNTK) Playlist

Tutorials Playlist

Seventh District Auxiliary Unit Websites